Happy Friday!!
This week has been crazy busy, and this weekend will be the same, but I wanted to share a few of my London photos and talk about the amazing trip I had. Mostly about the shopping of course... So if any of you find yourselves in London soon, I hope this gives you some ideas!
I am lucky enough to have traveled to Europe several times before, so this trip was actually my third time in London. I had not been to Europe until college when I studied abroad. I lived in Northern Italy for 4 months and I traveled to many other countries on the weekends. This is when the travel bug bit me and I became obsessed with seeing new places and exploring new cultures. Traveling truly does make you realize what a small space you occupy in the world and how many new places there are to explore. Last summer I headed back to Europe and took a road trip around the Continent for 5 weeks. This experience was one I will never be able to beat. I filled a huge photo album with pictures from this trip and I find myself going through it every few months and having the biggest smile on my face. How lucky am I to have had such am amazing experience (not to mention I shared it with one of my best friends).
Now back to my London trip...I had an opportunity to take this trip and I took it in a heart beat. I have so much love for this city and all of its treasures. The nice thing is that at this point I had already done almost all of the touristy things in the city, so I was able to really play the trip by ear. I didn't make too many plans before I left and when I got there I grabbed a map and just went for it. Sometimes that is the best way to travel!
One day I made my way to Oxford St. (a very popular shopping street) where I spent hours in Topshop, Zara, and a few smaller stores. I HIGHLY recommend checking out the Topshop on Oxford St. if you're ever in the city! I also did some shopping along King's Road in South Kensington, which is a super cool area to explore. The neighborhoods around the street are really nice, and the street has some great shopping! Of course I found the Free People pop up shop (which is by far the cutest store I have ever seen), and I also found the biggest Anthro ever!! Both of those streets were amazing, and there were also some really cute shops in Shoreditch where I was staying, but my favorite shopping by far was in Camden.
Camden Town is filled with all kinds of markets. There are many souvenir shops, shops with insane store fronts, and a huge market area filled with leather, jewelry, and vintage goodies. I actually spent two days in this market. I found the most beautiful jewelry, a leather bag, new leather boots, and some awesome gifts for my boyfriend. By these markets there are also a ton of food booths with food from all over. I loved this area and could spend days shopping around here. This place is a MUST SEE!!
Besides all of this amazing shopping, I had a great time eating some English food, drinking cider, and the exploring the famous Harry Potter studios!!
I hope you enjoy a few of the pictures I included from these adventures, and if any of you get a chance to see this amazing city, do it do it do it!!